Researchers are warning that an artificial intelligence tool, similar to ChatGPT but without ethical boundaries or restrictions, could provide cybercriminals with a way to conduct attacks on an unprecedented scale.

WormGPT: An AI Marketed for Cybercrime

The cybersecurity firm SlashNext has observed that a producer AI named WormGPT is being marketed in cybercrime forums on the dark web. The company described this AI tool as a “sophisticated AI model” that could generate texts that resemble human-written ones, potentially useful for hacking activities.

In a blog post, the company stated, “This tool presents itself as a cybercrime alternative to GPT models, particularly designed for malicious activities.”

WormGPT Experiments and Findings

Researchers who performed tests using WormGPT instructed the AI to create an email with the intent of pressuring an unsuspecting account manager into paying a fraudulent invoice.

They found the email produced by WormGPT in the experiment to be “not only remarkably persuasive but also strategically cunning, showcasing the potential of the AI tool for sophisticated phishing attacks.”

WormGPT vs Ethically Bound AI Tools

Leading AI tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard have built-in protections to prevent misuse of this technology for malicious purposes. However, WormGPT is alleged to have been designed to facilitate criminal activities.

Screen captures uploaded to a hack forum by WormGPT’s anonymous developer demonstrate various services that this AI bot can perform, including writing code for malicious software attacks and preparing emails for phishing attacks.

The creator of WormGPT dubbed it “the biggest enemy of the infamous ChatGPT” for allowing users to “do all sorts of illegal things.”

How to Get Access to WormGPT?

Should you choose to access WormGPT, two primary methods are available: online and offline. Both of these methods grant you access to WormGPT via a web browser, sans the necessity of installing any software on your personal computer. They also provide an array of features and customization options to personalize your WormGPT experience.

Online Access to WormGPT: Benefits and Drawbacks

However, this online pathway comes with its own set of potential pitfalls:

  • Stable internet connection is required to gain access to WormGPT.
  • A fee is necessary for access to WormGPT, typically costing around $98 per month or $900 per annum.
  • Registering an account and offering some personal information is mandatory for WormGPT access.
  • Trust in the platform hosting WormGPT and its security protocols is crucial.
  • Adherence to the platform’s terms and conditions providing WormGPT access is obligatory.

Offline Access to WormGPT: Benefits and Drawbacks

Alternatively, WormGPT can be accessed offline by downloading and installing it directly onto your computer. Several sources, such as GitHub repositories, torrent sites, and dark web forums, offer this choice. These sources facilitate the download of WormGPT’s source code or executable file, allowing it to run on your computer sans an internet connection, providing more control and flexibility.

However, this offline pathway has its own challenges:

  • A powerful computer with ample storage and processing power is necessary to operate WormGPT.
  • Certain technical skills and knowledge are required for WormGPT’s installation and configuration.
  • Care must be taken regarding the source from which WormGPT is downloaded, ensuring its authenticity and integrity.
  • Regular updates to WormGPT are needed to stay updated with the latest versions and features.
  • Protection of your computer from potential malware or viruses that might come with WormGPT is essential.

Steps to Access WormGPT Online or Offline

To access WormGPT, be it online or offline, the following steps must be adhered to:

  1. Choose a platform or source offering WormGPT as a service or as a downloadable file.
  2. Register an account (if necessary) and pay the requisite fee (if applicable) for WormGPT access.
  3. Gain access to the web interface (if online) or launch the application (if offline) of WormGPT.
  4. Enter your input, prompt, or query in the text box provided by WormGPT.
  5. Allow a few moments for WormGPT to generate or respond with its output.
  6. Review the output and decide whether to accept, modify, reject it, or ask for a different output.

For further information on downloading and using WormGPT, please refer to our article detailing this process.

Potential Use Cases for WormGPT

Here are some examples of how WormGPT might be utilized for different purposes:

  • Creating Malware Code: Input: “Create a malware code that can steal passwords and credit card numbers from a Windows 10 computer.”
  • Generating Phishing Emails: Input: “Generate a phishing email that can trick a Netflix user into clicking a malicious link and entering their login credentials.”
  • Creating Fake News: Input: “Create a fake news article claiming aliens have landed in New York City and are attacking people.”
  • Conducting Social Engineering Attacks: Input: “Conduct a social engineering attack that can convince a bank employee to give you the access code to the vault.”
  • Impersonating or Spoofing Individuals: Input: “Impersonate or spoof Elon Musk and tweet something controversial or funny.”

Warnings from Europol

According to a recent report from the security organization Europol, large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT could be misused by cybercriminals to conduct fraud, impersonate others, or carry out social engineering attacks.

The report warns that “ChatGPT’s ability to create highly original texts with a user command makes it an extremely useful tool for phishing purposes.”

Europol further warns that LLMs provide hackers with the ability to carry out cyberattacks that are “faster, far more realistic, and on a significantly larger scale.”

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